Index – National – Chinese vaccine arrived in Hungary, but still cannot be used


To no avail, 550,000 doses of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine arrived in Hungary on Tuesday, but no documentation arrived with the shipment, so it is doubtful when control tests can begin, Népszava writes.

The Orbán government made an amendment to the law to allow the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) to authorize the Chinese vaccine. However, since the vaccine documentation was omitted from the Chinese shipment, the Hungarian expert’s assessment is also delayed. The laboratories of the National Center for Public Health (NNK) cannot verify the required batch, since in the absence of paperwork, they cannot know exactly what parameters the vaccine should have.

Earlier, the Hungarian Medical Chamber also expressed concern about the matter. According to a statement from the board

can not recommend the use of the products to his colleagues in conscience, because the prescribing information is a basic condition for the use of the product to ensure patient safety, and this supports the legal and ethical safety of the doctor.
