Index – National – Cecília Müller: You don’t need a mask in schools


“We have purchased an additional flu vaccine to be able to provide it to anyone who wants to access the free vaccination option,” Cecília Müller said at the press conference for operational staff on Monday.

The medical director said that a new coronavirus (Covid-19) infection was detected in 1,478 new Hungarian citizens on Monday, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 47,768. 31 chronic patients died, the youngest of whom was 39 years old. In her case, cirrhosis and liver failure were marked as the underlying disease on The death toll was 1,173 and 14,312 had already been recovered. The number of active infections is 32,283. The hospital treats 1,896 coronavirus patients, 188 of whom are hooked up to ventilators.

Hungary in the middle

We are in the ascending phase of the second wave of the epidemic, the number of infected has increased again. This increase is also of a growing nature, with every day more confirmed laboratory cases, so it is very important to follow the rules ”, said Cecília Müller, adding that it is very important that everyone behaves with greater attention and discipline at this stage of the defense.

The number of positive cases is increasing worldwide and Hungary is no exception, although, according to the WHO report, we are in the middle. The total number of confirmed patients since the start of the pandemic is more than 47,000, while the number of people cured exceeds 14,000

Said the chief physician. He added that the number of deaths also shows an upward trend, since they come mainly from the high-risk group, the chronically ill or the elderly.

In them, the infection is complicated, at least the chances are higher. It is very important to protect these people, and that is everyone’s responsibility

– He said. There is also an increasing trend in the number of people treated in the hospital, 1896 patients are treated in the hospital, 188 are on respirators.

Many of them are recovering, many of them can be taken off the ventilator, so it is not a destiny for someone to be hospitalized in a moderate weight state, since they also have a good experience.

Said the chief physician. He added that they have a number of second wave options that they have not yet been able to fully exploit or have at their disposal in the spring.

In any case, it is better not to contract the disease. That is why it is very important to wear a mask, to keep our environment orderly.

– The chief physician stressed, then detailed that all the deceased suffered from a basic disease, concomitant diseases.

At least be safe from the flu

“I would also highlight today’s respiratory diseases as an underlying disease, so anyone with a chronic respiratory disease is obviously at higher risk.” In this regard, the medical director also drew attention to the fact that, if possible, we should stop smoking as a harmful passion.

He also mentioned that the circle of people who can be affected by the flu is almost the same. As he said, you absolutely need to protect yourself against at least one of the diseases. He stressed that the flu can even cause severe pneumonia, so it is especially important that as many people as possible request a government-provided vaccine. The medical director added:

We have purchased additional flu vaccines so that we can provide them to anyone who wishes to access a free vaccination option.

He said, then went back to PCR testing.

We have adopted PCR tests at all times, this is the way that the WHO has recommended us at all times. At the same time, many new possibilities in diagnosis have opened up since the spring, which is why research teams have developed a series of antigen-based tests. Similar to the PCR test, it also shows the current status, that is, the current infection. This test was tested in the NNK lab and we found that in case of positivity, if someone has symptoms, making them a suspicious person, it shows a very good match with the PCR test. This is another diagnostic tool in our hands

– said the chief doctor, adding: in fact, this rapid test can already be done in the ambulance, so when the patient arrives at the hospital, he already knows that it is coronavirus. Therefore, their care can begin earlier as it reaches the part of the institution where these patients are cared for.

When asked by journalists whether children should wear the mask in schools, Cecília Müller said no, because children are not expected to wear the mask correctly for 6-8 hours a day. However, he added that the introduced rules apply: keep your distance, keep a group, a community together.

On the suggestion that many people do not get the flu vaccine because they are afraid of contracting the virus in the doctor’s office, Cecília Müller said that calling a doctor should be preceded by a phone call. At the suggestion that Hungary was among the worst performing countries in terms of population, the medical director said:

“This is simply not the case, the WHO scans both the infected and the dead per million inhabitants, we are in the middle.”

Regarding the visit to the cemetery, Cecília Müller asked us to avoid clustering, keep our distance and disinfect it thoroughly, even during the care of the grave. Finally, when asked how many of the patients who went on the ventilator recovered, the medical director said:

Do not be afraid! Health care opportunities have increased since the spring. I know from Chief Physician János Slavik that 50 percent of ventilator-connected patients are cured ad absurdum.

(Cover image: Cecília Müller at the press conference of the operational staff on Wednesday / MTVA)
