Index – National – Cecília Müller: We have eight or ten deaths a day


Unfortunately, we have to deal with between eight and ten deaths every day, Cecília Müller said at a press conference in the operating court on Wednesday. The national chief physician explained that in the last 24 hours, 894 new Hungarian citizens had been diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19), thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 26,461. Eight patients died, the youngest of whom was a man in his 60s. There are 24,121 people in official home quarantine and 715,677 samples have been taken so far.

(Cover image: Cecília Müller. Photo: screenshot / Government of Hungary / Facebook)

The medical director highlighted it today

Unfortunately, we have to deal with eight to ten deaths every day, as the number of people seen in the hospital is growing, there are already 773 people in the hospital today. This means they have moderate to severe disease and there are already 54 people on a ventilator.

He said. He added that the operative court ordered extraordinary breaks in 30 kindergartens and 6 schools, and ordered digital education in 135 classes and four schools. The number of laboratory tests increases from 10 to 12 thousand per day. Anyone who suspects it, anyone who needs it, will have an investigation, ”said Cecília Müller.

Following the rules is extremely important! The number of diseases is also increasing in neighboring countries and additional epidemiological measures are being introduced. By following the rules, we must avoid further restrictions.

He said, then added that the children would be screened at schools starting tomorrow.

The measurement begins in schools, if the body temperature is higher than 37.8 degrees the child cannot go to school. If that temperature is measured, the child will be kept for a quarter of an hour, and if the student still has a high body temperature after the new measurement, she should go home.

He remembered. He then drew the audience’s attention to the fact that tomorrow is World Aging Day, for which the WHO designated October 1 years ago. As he said, the elderly deserve special protection and attention, quoting Pope Francis, he spoke of the age group in danger of extinction.

We protect them with mutual love and respect. According to Pope Francis, old age is not a disease but a privilege. It is characterized by sweetness, patience, experience. That is why respect and love must surround older people, especially in these difficult times when they are an especially vulnerable age group. In many places, the old and the young live under the same roof, so it is particularly important to take care of each other – generations must work together to tackle the epidemic.

– formulated and then proposed:

  • older people should avoid the number of contacts with those who do not live in the same household,
  • ventilate their homes frequently,
  • follow the same rules that are required of everyone,
  • wash your hands several times
  • at home, if they are alone and fit, they can take good care of themselves, they also do disinfectant cleaning regularly,
  • keep household gloves and disinfectant at home.

The chief doctor emphasized that if the elderly need help because they are no longer as mobile and may need to replace medicines or buy food, they should contact the municipalities, as they have a legal obligation to help in this case. The chief doctor sends a message to the young people before journalistic questions:

my respectful request that we pay attention to our family members. It is also the cornerstone of epidemic management and coexistence.
