Index – National – Cecília Müller: There is no institution where the virus is not potentially present


Unfortunately, we are breaking sad records, ”Cecília Müller said at the press conference of the operating court on Wednesday. The national medical director explained that today the coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 4,219 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified to 90,988.

90, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, bringing the death toll to 2,063, and 21,232 have already recovered. The hospital cares for 4,871 coronavirus patients, 355 of whom are on ventilators. The medical director said the data “speaks for itself”,

the youngest victim was a 28-year-old patient.

The medical director said the number of infected people is growing exponentially.

This means that the number of infected people does not increase by the same amount, but is multiplied by the number. These figures are now so significant that more and more patients are being cared for in hospitals, placing an increasing burden on medical care. We can see that all of our healthcare facilities have been used significantly

– He said. He added that adjustment is also necessary to keep health care running. Stressed that

there is no place in an institution where the virus is not potentially present. It is not excluded that an infected person can be asymptomatic anywhere, the coronavirus can be found in 80 percent of Hungarian settlements.

So he asked everyone to get serious about wearing masks, to stay away, to disinfect themselves.

This virus travels somewhere and spreads mainly through droplets of saliva, but we can also transmit it with a touch.

– He formulated, then added: Let’s not forget the rules that are constantly in force. As you said, you should not get tired of following these rules, and in addition to having rules, they have many recommendations. These are published on the website of the National Center for Public Health, Cecília Müller “recommends browsing these calls.”

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections has increased 1.5 times in a week, representing more than 7,000 patients who have either contracted the infection or have become infected again.

He pointed out, then added that the average age of those infected was increasing, but in fact all ages were affected.

If we look at the last four weeks, a quarter of the new confirmed cases are in the age group of 40 to 49 years.

He emphasized that the range of risk groups has not changed, but it can also be seen that coronavirus disease can end in serious complications and death even at a young age.

The tests are correct, but no one can know how to react personally if you can get the virus. So please take care of each other, take care of each other. It’s time for everyone to take these steps seriously! Let us be partners in this and let’s try to save our healthcare system together.

Said the chief physician.
