Index – National – Cecília Müller: The virus broke out at a construction site in Tiszaújváros


At the press conference of the operative court on Friday, the national medical director said that a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) had been detected in 1,176 new Hungarian citizens in the last 24 hours, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 35,222. 15 patients died, bringing the number of deaths to 913.

Cecília Müller also spoke about the fact that many of the deceased had several basic chronic diseases, and

In five people, the viral pneumonia was called deaths, so the direct deaths were coronavirus disease.

Cecília Müller warned that diabetic patients should pay special attention if their coronavirus test is positive so that their metabolism is not altered. The medical director highlighted that 993 coronavirus patients are already being treated in the hospital, 82 of whom are on respirators.

We are seeing an increase in the number of people being treated in the hospital, and this disease, if someone is hospitalized in a moderate condition, it can go into a stage of exacerbation very quickly, in which case ventilation may be necessary.

The medical director drew attention to the fact that anyone who notices any symptoms in themselves should notify their GP immediately. He said 803,648 PCR tests had been done so far and then covered with a mask.

It is gratifying that the largest proportion, the largest number of the population, support the use of masks. The rules that apply to this still apply. Please, where we cannot keep our distance, wear a mask for our health and that of our fellow men.

Cecília Müller also spoke about the establishment of an epidemiological center in Tiszaújváros.

At a large construction site, the virus hit its head among multiracial people – 242 out of 1,717 PCR tests came back positive. Since then, health authorities have classified 173 people as close contacts.

– he emphasized, adding that it is a great challenge to handle this in the field, but all professionals do their work on site, workers are segregated, the county hospital is ready and prepared if more people are hospitalized in moderate or severe condition.
