Index – National – Cecília Müller: First-round Covid hospitals are slowly saturating


Hospitals designated for the first round to treat coronavirus patients are slowly filling up, increasing the number of beds and the amount of equipment needed, Cecília Müller, national medical director, said in the Kossuth Sunday newspaper. Radio, according to the MTI. He added that some hospitals have already been involved in the care of coronavirus patients admitted to the hospital, which have been designated in the event that places are filled in the first-round institutions.

Therefore, care is provided for everyone. The change of route of health workers is also underway

– The national chief physician stressed, who said that the health system was prepared to receive patients.

Cecília Müller has repeatedly drawn the public’s attention to the fact that most can be done with individual protection and increased caution against the spread of the virus. Put it that way

The population can do everything possible to prevent and slow the spread of the epidemic, and we hope that everyone will do so, since the responsibility is shared.

As you said, the number of patients and unfortunately the number of deaths has steadily increased not only around the world but also in Hungary over the last week. After the first wave of the epidemic, it started much stronger after a brief respite, but now we must not tire ourselves, because there is at least as much epidemic ahead as it is behind, Cecília Müller emphasized.

According to the expert, in the first wave of the epidemic, Hungary defended itself very successfully, “everyone was in their place”, health, authorities, government bodies and, above all, the population.

He drew attention to the fact that the autumn period is conducive to the onset of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ahead of us also the flu season. Flu vaccines have been given to GPs, he said, and asked chronic patients to seek vaccines from their GPs. He recommended taking vitamins C and D to keep younger people healthy.
