Index – National – Cecília Müller announced: Chinese Sinopharm vaccine has been authorized


There will be a significant increase in the number of people who will be able to receive their first or even second vaccination, announced on Friday the national medical director, Cecília Müller, at a press conference in the operative tribe.

The medical director presented the daily data and stressed that a great step is being taken in the vaccination process. As you said, vaccination is still carried out in nursing homes and then among the elderly living at home. The medical director highlighted:

He said the number of active infections has fallen below 100,000 and the number of people recovering is steadily increasing. The medical director detailed the operation of the Moderna vaccine, which, he said, delivers the dead hereditary material of the virus to the body in a small package. He stressed that there are several technologies for vaccines, and all appear to be effective in the fight against coronavirus. Cecília Müller announced:

The medical director said that health workers had already received the vaccine, they were protected against the coronavirus, so that everyone could participate in the final phase of the fight against the coronavirus. He also highlighted that the daily number of deaths could be significantly reduced as a result of vaccination, so he continues to encourage everyone to apply for the vaccine. As you said, after the first vaccination, the antibody starts to produce, but only two vaccines provide complete protection.

Whoever gets sick cannot be vaccinated, we will always wait for the recovery time and then a second vaccine can be administered. The timing of the second vaccination is slightly delayed, but protection is still developed. If this is the case, tell the vaccine, your GP so they can call someone else.

Cecília Müller asked. When asked by a chief journalist, the medical director said that the National Center for Public Health was testing the Russian vaccine, that seven of the nine parameters had been tested, all of which had a favorable result. He expects the investigations to be completed by the end of next week.

Robert Kiss, deputy director of the guard center, explained that Thursday

  • 107 people were certified for not wearing a mask,
  • curfew or for breach of the ban on grouping 280 police actions were carried out,
  • 7854 home quarantine was verified by the police on Thursday,
  • 2629 more quarantines were ordered,
  • At this time, 1688 people can be controlled through the mobile application.
