Index – National – Caught by mosquito net thieves


Police have completed an investigation into a case against a four-man gang for a series of robberies that lasted for several months, said. In the spring and summer of 2019, thieves broke into family homes in several Tolna County settlements (Bátaszék, Szekszárd and Tamási). Their best practice was to rip or burn the screen from a pantry or bathroom window that was left open for airing at night, squeeze the window, one of them would climb in and then let his companions in through the front door. Cash and gold jewelry were mostly stolen from homes.

After the robberies, the investigation team reached a company of four, a 53-year-old man and a 28-year-old man from Pécs, a 42-year-old blonde from Szőkéd and a 52-year-old man from Iharos, who were eventually captured. after one of the robberies.

The routine thief was rescued from a traffic jam

He tried to mislead the police with false information.

Later the quartet turned out to be non-local patriots and, in addition to Tolna county, they also “worked” in many parts of the country (Baranya, Somogy, Zala, Bács-Kiskun, Veszprém counties). A total of 10 million HUF in gold money and jewelry were stolen from family homes. So far, the investigation has detected at least 50 robberies and linked them to the gang.

The thieves operated as a kind of special family business, their relatives helped to sell the stolen jewelry, mainly in pawn shops. During the investigation, an unlicensed firearm was also found in the blond’s home.
