Index – National – Bunny brought the Russian vaccine for Easter, for which he was vaccinated at the Military Hospital


March 30th

At exactly 5:30 pm, my phone rings. I was relaxing on the Tuesday morning shift. They call me from number 30. I don’t know who it is, I hesitate to go green. I hope you are not a market researcher. A kind female voice speaks to him. Welcome, introduce yourself, and then immediately get to the point:

You can come to vaccinate

– He says. For a moment it occurs to me that this might be a preliminary joke on April 1. But no. In a hissing voice, a little scared, I ask:

Are you sure? I’m only 28 years old …

The answer comes without hesitation: Yes, you, the old man, have been vaccinated and you are next on the list, rejoice for him ”, he adds. After two seconds of listening, I ask what vaccine they will inject me. Still, this is important information for a man’s daughter.

I registered online for the vaccination in mid-February. He knew he didn’t need it anymore. I am a healthy young man. I was almost sick the last few years, the last time I had bed-chained bronchitis on New Years Eve 2019. But I have seen in the year-long fight against coronavirus that there really is nothing but vaccine like solution. I say this so that at the beginning of the beginning I also rebelled against him.

It turns out that they get vaccinated with the Russian vaccine, if I want. I don’t say yes right away. I am doubting. Finally, I say I’ll call you back in five minutes. I break the line and also call my mom quickly on that impulse. However, from whom should one seek advice if one is faced with a moment of historic decision?

My mother works in a hospital. Almost every day, I have an idea of ​​what is happening in healthcare right now. He had received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine weeks ago. In fact, your vaccine ID has already been mailed. I’ll tell you what’s going on. Since it was a vaccine, he supported the decision. In addition, he was assured that, according to him and his medical colleagues

Sputnik is the best vaccine.

I fulfill the promised five minutes, I call number 30 again, I say thank you very much, then I take the opportunity, the infamous Russian vaccine may arrive. The lady is very charming, points, I made a good decision, she also dictates that on Saturday (April 3) At 9 am I have to go to Hondvéd Hospital for Building K. Before you say goodbye, add a little to what you have to say, there will be other young people too. He wishes you a good evening and leaves it.

April 3

Here’s the big day. It’s hard after waking up, but I get up at eight o’clock. My first trip takes me to the bathroom. I dress after my morning routine. I keep the necessary documents in my bag: personal, address card, identity card. I’m not excited.I don’t even have to rush to the hospital, I’m there in 10 minutes on foot.

I walk down Tüzér street. The sun shines. The wind blows a little. It’s great for that. I go to the entrance of Papp Károly street. I meet soldiers. I gasp a little because I’m afraid I won’t exactly get to the vaccination point. I ask them where to go. They head straight for the next barrier. There are two more in uniform. One of them tells me to sanitize and then waves his hand. I head to the entrance of Building K. Two walk in front of me. They also come for vaccinations. At the door, a man in a white dress and glasses looks at himself. I’m saying that I can go. He asks me if I have made a declaration of consent. I say no. Come up with a role.

Please complete this legibly, then go here (show) to the registration desk

Instructs, but few.

I look at the clock, 9 hours and 5 minutes. I fill in the data quickly. Meanwhile, I look around me. I find that there is no queue or commotion in the room. Three health workers coordinate arrivals. One of them is already waiting at the door for those who arrive for vaccination, the other is helping at the registration desk and the third is sending those registered to the vaccination points. Everything goes fast. I’ll stay at the counter. An elderly woman asks me for my identification, my address card and my health card. He will take it with the statement. There is something on the plane. Stamp one on my paper and then return it. The whole three minutes.

A red-haired lady shows me where to stand. Step two to door 10. There are three in front of me, one of them is being called. I look around me. There are eight doors. Each numbered with the inscription Covid Vaccine. There are a maximum of 25 waiting rooms in the hall. All wearing a mask, keeping a distance of one and a half meters from each other. They are shocked. This is totally the opposite of what I have heard or read in the reports so far.

While I wait, I write messages. A blonde woman is behind me. He wears an FFP2 mask. A large amount of sanitizer was also applied to the hands. Just in case. A quarter of an hour has passed. I’m not nervous yet. They are calling. Two women waiting. The doctor will ask for the statement. I’m sitting. I have some syringes and disinfectants in front of me. I tell them that everything is fine. I’m surprised. Thank you for your work. They don’t talk much. The wizard enters my data into the computer. The doctor hits my left shoulder.

– Will it hurt? – I ask. I feel like a scared child.

“Tell me if you can go,” he says.

– You can go! I answer firmly.

One second and oops … I already have the vaccine. It is an incredible feeling. The place is bleeding a little. They connect. I will receive a vaccination certificate stating that I can come in for the second dose in three weeks. I wait twenty minutes at the observation point. There are young and old around me. I’m taking a selfie with the certificate. I will send it to my family. Meanwhile, I address the young woman sitting next to me:

– Did you get Sputnik too?

– Again

He responds, while we read the news, we argued, we did it not only for ourselves, but for others. But above all to finally embrace each other without hesitation, and also to do everyday life between the four gray walls. fun and laughter switch.

(Cover Image: Balogh Krisztina / Index)
