Index – National – Breeders Banned by Goodwill



05/13/2020. 12:07

Following the adjustment of last year, the classifieds page of Jófogá continuously and permanently removes ads from animal breeders since the beginning of April, so I would like to draw attention to the serious consequences of the activities of the breeders, the company said. Breeder activity often leads to genetic disorders due to continuous mating and therefore to diseases that can even be fatal at an early age.

Animal husbandry is a serious problem in Hungary, unfortunately it is not prohibited by clear legislation. But unnecessary abuse of an animal or breeding of a hereditary animal is torture, which is the general activity of most breeders, and unfortunately many breeders try to earn a living by torturing unprotected pets. We have already addressed this issue in several of our articles.

From now on, these will be the terms of Good Will:

  • Only dogs / cats that have a verifiable pedigree or pedigree can be called purebred in the ad, this fact should be stated in the ad.
  • In the case of dogs, cats and ferrets, the animal cannot be separated from its mother before 8 weeks of age, therefore it is forbidden to advertise an animal of less than 8 weeks on the website, unless the advertiser indicate that the animal can only be accepted after 8 weeks of age.
  • Dog ownership can only be transferred after tagging the animal with an electronic transponder (microchip implanted under the skin). The availability of the microchip and, where applicable, the fact that the cost of inserting the microchip will be borne by the buyer will be indicated in the advertisement.
  • If required by law or if the animal has one, the ad must state the fact that the pet health book is available.
  • The announcement must indicate whether the animal has been vaccinated against rabies and the existence of supporting documents.
  • If the animal is advertised for sale not by an individual but by a breeder, the name of the kennel and the contact details of the official contact person should be indicated in the advertisement.
  • Dogs, cats and other pets can only be advertised for money and adoption, they cannot be exchanged for a product.

“We can clearly see that the proportion of free adoptable pets has skyrocketed since the adjustment. We look forward to providing more and more free and free online space to more shelters in the near future,” said Géza Palocsay, Managing Director of Adevinta Classified Media Hungary Kft .
