Index – National – Better to know about vaccination of chronic patients under 60 years of age


At the end of January, vaccination similar to a campaign of health workers and nursing homes and residential social institutions was completed. In the first week of February, older people registered to get vaccinated by mail or online began to get vaccinated. Vaccination of registered chronic patients under the age of 60 also began with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the second week of February, according to the official government information page.

Based on this, GPs will receive a list of chronic patients under 60 years of age at their consultation, so their GP will notify them of the date and place of vaccination.

Who and when is on the vaccination schedule largely depends on the GP, as it is he who decides which of his chronic patients he considers appropriate to vaccinate first.

Contrary to popular misconceptions

vaccination should not cause coronavirus infection,

and is especially recommended by the authority for chronic elderly patients, as chronic diseases increase the risk of a severe course of coronavirus infection.

In Hungary, general practitioners currently only use safe and effective vaccines approved by the authorities, but always with the currently available vaccine. These are:

  • For Pfizer, the second injection must be given on day 21 after the first vaccination. It is used in Hungary from the age of 18.
  • For Moderna, the second vaccine should be given on day 28 after the first vaccination. It is used from the age of 18.
  • For the Sputnik vaccine, the second vaccine should be given on day 21 after the first vaccination. Registered elderly people without chronic diseases begin to be vaccinated with it.
  • For AstraZeneca, the second vaccine must be given 4 weeks after the first vaccination. This vaccine was started for chronic patients under 60 years of age.

It was emphasized that vaccines are not interchangeable and

the first and second vaccinations must be carried out with the same vaccine.

If, for some reason, the second injection cannot be given at the scheduled time, it must be replaced at the time agreed with the vaccine doctor. If you can, take the consent statement with you and print it out so you can speed up the administration a bit.

You should also be prepared to wait a bit, as vaccinated patients should be observed for at least 15-30 minutes after vaccination to see if they may have a reaction to the vaccine.

It is very important that you carry the vaccination reminder card with you a second time, as it contains information that is almost vital to your doctor.

It’s good to know that protection against coronavirus generally requires two vaccines.

It is observed that even the first vaccine induces some protection, but the complete protection of the vaccinated is only achieved after the second dose of the vaccine, expected in 1-2 weeks.
