Index – National – Bayer: Don’t let Viktor Orbán take care of the castle apartment for me, because I’m about to sob!


I serve this system and I am proud of it. During the conversation, he was asked about his relationship with Lajos Simicska, if he would write for Index, but also about his apartment at Buda Castle.

According to the publicist, he was not invited to write to the Index, but if he was called, he would not necessarily come:

Pali Szombathy will never ask me to write to the new index. If someone there asked me to write, it would be Ákos Balogh, but he probably won’t ask either. I don’t think I would even write.

The publicist added that although he did not want to hurt the Index, he said that “now they are going to be looking with greedy eyes where the government parties that begin to write there are.”

Bayer has reacted to the following regarding the municipal listed homes acquired at the Castle:

Everyone is obliged to commit, so to speak, anarchy.

The publicist also added that “shit” is the relevant legislation.

When do you read the Housing Law in your opinion? Go up to the Castle and ask: eleven out of ten do it because it cannot be otherwise. And then they start chatting with me?

He said. According to him, he did not seek apartment rental legislation when he rented his apartment in the Buda Castle district for 42,000 florins. He asked himself to rent significantly below market price through his political connections:

Don’t let Viktor Orbán take care of the castle apartment for me, because I’m about to sob!

Bayer says of the press relations of the 1990s:

The comics had a strong and frank good press, and besides, there was nothing. It’s that easy. (Name.)

In the interview, he also talks about why, unlike Viktor Orbán, he found Lajos Simicska to be an idiot, what Simicska’s armed entourage was like and why he likes the writings of Róbert Puzsér and Miklós Tamás Gáspár.

(Top image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President of Fidesz (third from right), journalist Zsolt Bayer (fourth from right) at the party’s 31st birthday celebration at the Fidesz Lendvay Street headquarters on March 30, 2019. Photo: Prime Minister Press Office / Prime Minister’s Office MTI)
