Balázs Sára has appointed a cinematographer and film and television director as interim director of the Institute of Film and Media at the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, hvg.hu wrote.
The new leader will replace Gábor Balázs, a sound engineer, who resigned from his position in protest at the change in the university’s model, along with the directors of all the other institutes.
After 70 days, the students left the university building on Vas Street, but their resistance did not end. Our summary of the SZFE case.
The appointment was not notified to the university professors or students, and one of the letters sent to the film professors revealed the new position.
By the way, the letter, signed by Tamás Lajos, a member of the Board of Trustees and the two newly appointed vice-rectors, János Zalán and Emil Novák, summoned the film teachers to a “personal meeting”.
We started a constructive discussion about the needs for further development of the University, raising the quality of education to a higher level, and the conditions for it.
– consists of a letter asking the recipients to if they are “open to common thought,” inform the study secretary.
According to the artists, adults could learn from students.
Sára Balázs Sára Sára is the son of the film director twice winner of the Kossuth and Balázs Béla Prize and Marórna Moór Kossuth and of the actress twice winner of Jászai Mari Between 2012 and 2014, he already taught at the university.