Index – National – Anna Donáth wished Judit Varga to the coronavirus



2020.10.21. 07:31

I just learned from Judit Varga’s Facebook post that the minister’s coronavirus test was positive. I wish no one had to face this ordeal. I don’t want you to worry about your life, not you or your loved ones. Our debates, for my part, were defined solely by arguments and facts, and the responsibilities associated with them. Man can only be critical of man, but life and death have only one master. Our life and our health have been good from God. I sincerely hope that Judit Varga is better as soon as possible and that no member of her family has to face the serious consequences of the virus.

– wrote Anna Donáth, who learned on Facebook that the Minister of Justice was also infected. His gesture is remarkable in light of Judit Varga’s demand for the resignation of the momentary politician in recent weeks, for which he assured that the MEP had consulted on several occasions with one of the commissioners of the European Commission responsible for the rule of law .


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Anna Donáth had previously denied that she had regularly consulted with the EU Commissioner, and was later recorded to do so.
