Index – National – András Schiffer: The Sultan supported DJ Trump in Tusnad Bath


Originally, Gábor Megadja, Kontra’s pro-government editor-in-chief and attorney András Schiffer sat down to discuss the US presidential election, but several other issues were raised on the last broadcast of the Spirit FM Wrestling Club, such as the Debate on the Rule of Law or the Ninth Amendment.

According to Gábor, the atmosphere around the US presidential elections is such that

like a Barcelona-Real Madrid football match: we do not have a direct implication, since it is not an election in Hungary, but at the same time it is customary to “push” someone.

He said fans in both camps had some hope for one candidate or the other. For some reason, it was recorded on the Hungarian right that we were always bad to the Americans, but Trump and I “were finally good.” The Hungarian balliberal camp believes that Viktor Orbán will be overthrown under Biden’s presidency, Gábor Megadja said.

According to András Schiffer, the Americans are putting on a show of the elections to strengthen their own world leadership.

The former president of the LMP sees that colonial thought plays an important role in Hungary, moreover, it is not only owned by one or another car camp. He stressed that it was very interesting for the government that the narrative appeared in the middle of the struggle for sovereignty when

the sultan supported DJ Trump in Tusnad Bath, almost one of the reigning rulers.

When asked by the presenter, he said that the term “sultan” naturally means Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. And he already considers a burlesque category that, on the other hand, Jobbik has already welcomed Joe Biden’s victory.

I wonder why László Bíró did not personally record the greetings sent to Joe Biden on behalf of an open society.

Added. Regarding EU funds, András Schiffer considered that the misuse of money should be seriously investigated, but

It is wrong to treat EU funds as a donation, and it would be good if national self-esteem was restored in Hungary at least as much as in the countries around us.

At the same time, he claimed that this was not the case for the current Hungarian opposition, in 2006, Fidesz continued the same avalanche of complaints in various international forums and in the European Union.

In the opposition practice of 2006 and 2020, he also opposed the process of not only spreading “family clothing” abroad, but thinking that neighbors would take it away.

Gábor Megadja believes that if in 2006 the bodies of the European Union did not find enough what was happening in the streets of Budapest, then references to current violations of the rule of law can be “safely ignored”.

According to András Schiffer, the rule of law is known on whether the subordination of power to the law works. He sees that this is not the case, the law has become an instrument of political power. The lawyer believes

there is no constitutional democracy in Hungary, because although the Basic Law was technically legally created, the established rules should also bind the constitution,

furthermore, a consensus must incorporate the consensual principles of a political community, and the ruling parties have made no attempt.

Gábor Megadja reacted to all of this in such a way that there are additions to the US constitution, and sees the current amendment as a “preemptive blow” to the wave.
