Index – National – András Fekete-Győr: If I were the Prime Minister …


A Momentum politician posted a post on Facebook on Saturday. In it, he described what the government would do differently:

  • The closures would have been announced two weeks in advance.
  • It would not have prohibited the supervision of kindergartens and schools (the latter was eventually authorized by the government, but this could not be known at the time of writing this article).
  • It would have given an additional 10 days off to those raising a child under the age of 18.
  • Those who are forced to stay home They would receive a 100% wage subsidy.
  • It would not have transformed healthcare.
  • He would rank daycare, kindergarten and school workers higher in the order of vaccination.
  • You would organize mass vaccinations in such a way that patients should go to the nearest hospital at the address provided.

According to András Fekete-Győr, Viktor Orbán

perfectly unsuitable for the above.

He assured his followers that “it will not take long to last”, the presidency of the prime minister of Orbán could end in a year.
