Index – National – Almost 3 million have already requested vaccines


The number of people requesting vaccination is approaching three million, said the parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office. Csaba Dömötör stated on the public service television program that if we can ensure that chronic patients over the age of 60 and those under 60 are protected, it would be a serious step to “put this difficult period behind us”.

Hundreds of thousands fewer would have received the coronavirus vaccine in Hungary so far if only Western vaccines had been used.

– emphasized the Secretary of State, who assured that the government’s attitude “was not based on the stagnation of purchases in Brussels” but that it sought to obtain vaccines from various sources was effective. Because of this, in addition to Western vaccines, Chinese synopharmaceutical and Russian vaccines are also used in Hungary. Presented:

thus, in May, Hungarians will receive 3.5 million more vaccines than in another country with a similar population.

In Hungary, more than a million people have already been vaccinated, so the vaccination rate exceeded 10 percent, compared to the EU average of 6 percent, he noted.

On the fact that one of the heads of the European Medicines Agency has asked that the Russian vaccine not be approved by national states until they authorize it, he said:

In addition, the vaccines used in Hungary are used in many other countries, added Csaba Dömötör.

(Cover image: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI)
