Index – National – According to Tamás Menczer, documents from the Ministry of the Environment are still being leaked because Péter Szijjártó has not fired enough people


Tamás Menczer, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, addressed the question of how the letter could be published in which Undersecretary of State József Magyar asked Hungarian embassies in EU member states in a very eloquent comment on the communication of the Orbán government. Are you familiar with the professional training organized for Hungarian journalists? The politician was a guest of Straight Speech on Monday. When asked by presenter Egon Rónai that the leaked letter testifies that the Orbán government lists journalists’ trips abroad. Tamás Menczer replied that

It seems that the foreign minister has not yet fired enough people, documents are still leaking.

He said they lack both the intention and the knowledge to enumerate, but public data has shown that “some Soros organizations,” such as Transparency International, organize awareness courses. It aggravates the situation: the politician said that several embassies in Budapest are also listed as cooperating partners of the courses. I consider it a political question to see if György Soros finances media courses for leftist journalists, he said.

Telex was the first to announce that József Magyar, Undersecretary of State for the Development of European Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs in June In a letter entitled “Request for information on professional visits by Hungarian journalists to the host country,” he asked the Hungarian embassies in EU member states whether your knowledge on vocational training for Hungarian journalists. He also asked for information about the participants.
