Index – National – According to Béla Merkely, we may be beyond the epidemic in March-April


The rector of Semmelweis University also suffered from the coronavirus. Béla Merkely previously thought that she could overcome the disease with a light course, but on the third day she had severe pain and fever, as well as weakness. The rector spoke about this on ATV’s Straight Talk show.

He said remdesivir can help in the early stages of infection, preventing the virus from dividing. Favipiravir is effective in mild to moderate cases. Merkely believes it is a problem that after patients report late, they receive the necessary medication a little late. By the way, the rector recommended the oxygen meter, which can be used to measure how much oxygen saturation we have: if this value is above 90 percent, there is not much problem.

According to Béla Merkely, people who were previously completely healthy can get so sick that they will have bilateral pneumonia and will be put on a ventilator.

According to his calculations, more than 1.5 million Hungarians have already contracted a coronavirus infection, which is about 15 percent. For flock immunity, 60 percent is required. You have to live with the epidemic for another 4-5 months:

I think we can avoid this epidemic approximately between March and April

He said.
