Index – National – Accelerate Free Testing of Sample Points


If someone needs to be tested in connection with the contact investigation, the GP can request an appointment at one of the 17 outpatient sampling points if the applicant is asymptomatic and has no complaints, said the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Human Resources at the inauguration of the new health home on Sunday. According to Bence Rétvári, in such a case it is not necessary to wait for the ambulance, but it is possible to participate in the tests at the time of reception with the help of the GP, the ambulance workers take the sample at the indicated sampling point .

Those waiting to be examined are called in at thirty-minute intervals, and a maximum of fifteen people can show up in half an hour. The tests are carried out between 8 am and 10 pm. We strive to ensure that everyone can choose the most appropriate and least inconvenient testing method in each case, stressed the Secretary of State.

Regarding the health home in Őrbottyán, which was delivered on Sunday, Bence Rétvári emphasized, among other things, that the number of years spent in expected health increased in Hungary. While in 2010 that number was 57.5 years, now it has risen to 61.1 years. With this, Hungary went from position 21 on the European Union list to position 14, thus remaining in the middle of the midfield.

In his ceremonial speech, Mayor István Szabó said that the new institution was implemented with HUF 285 million, of which HUF 185 million was state support, the rest was provided by the local government. The order will begin in the new, light and airy building starting Monday.

The 380-square-foot building will house, among other things, two GP offices and a dental office, and the multifunctional room will house blood donations, screenings, prevention conferences, and health programs.
