Index – National – A lot of money for the kids instead of a single tax: 10 years of Orban family policy


The government will launch a home renovation program starting January 1, which means, among other things, that the state will bear half of the renovation costs for families raising at least one child, up to a maximum of HUF 3 million. Katalin Novák at a press conference of the minister without a portfolio responsible for families on Wednesday.

As we wrote earlier in our article analyzing the new program, the currently announced “family protection action” has essentially rendered the regulation related to the creation of homes opaque, as this is the seventh proposal to support the access and renovation of homes in some way.

New elements are added to the chaotic housing support system.

Regulation on the creation of homes has become essentially opaque. With the latest announcement by the Minister of Family Affairs, Katalin Novák, the seventh proposal is already on the scene.

Speaking of which, we have compiled the top ten family support items from the Orbán government over the past ten years.

Family tax benefit

On January 1, 2011, a new tax legislation came into force. Among them, the family tax allowance was returned to the Hungarian tax system at that time, in order to provide financial assistance to families raising children in addition to work.

The family support modality, which has undergone several modifications and continuous expansions over the years, has since reduced the consolidated tax base and can be used by those who have income subject to personal income tax.

The amount of the family allowance depends on how many children (dependent dependents) the person is entitled to the family allowance and how many people (dependents) live in the family that can be taken into account when determining the amount of the family allowance.

Family home discount (chocolate)

In the genre of live chocolate since July 1, 2015, a non-refundable state grant that is not confused with the concept of a state-subsidized preferential bank loan, a chocolate loan. Thanks to the new expansions, the impact has since supported the purchase and construction of new and used flats for up to 10 million HUF.

Extra gyed

While previously mothers raising children under the age of three could only return to work if they gave up family benefits for their children, an element of the package called gyed extra released that opportunity as of January 1, 2014. Since then , the parent will receive the gyed and then the gyed in the same way as if they had stayed at home after working at the age of the child or, as of January 1, 2016, working part-time.

In addition, the gyed has brought additional relief to the lives of families with children with a small age difference from the fact that after the birth of a new child, the care of the older brother is still due to the father, he does not have to give it up like before. Under certain conditions, students from higher education institutions and recent graduates were also eligible for extra gyed, while twins for twins were also extended for one year.

Exemption for mothers with four children

Women who have given birth to at least four children will be exempt from PIT for the rest of their lives, Viktor Orbán announced during his 2019 annual review as part of the government’s current seven-point family protection action plan. Since the beginning of the year, mothers raising at least four children do not have to pay personal income tax. A mother raising four or more children is a woman:

  • who, as a consanguineous or adoptive parent, has the right to family allowance for the child they raise;
  • or you are no longer entitled to the family allowance, but have been entitled to it for at least 12 years and the number of children mentioned above reaches four.

If, after a child ceases the right to the family allowance as a result of the death of the child, it will be considered that he has been entitled to the family allowance for 12 years.

Crib development program

The government has pledged to expand the number of day care homes to 70,000 by 2022 to make it easier for families to balance work and private life. While in 2010 32,000 young children could be admitted to state nurseries in 326 settlements, today more than 51,000 children were provided in nursery schools in 740 settlements. Under the program, the government has spent 7.5 billion HUF on developing daycare centers across the country since 2018.

Baby waiting for loan

The baby loan of up to 10 million HUF can be applied for in banks from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022 and, as the name suggests, it is a loan that can be freely used to have and raise children . One of the most important conditions is that it can only be hired by couples in which the wife has reached 18 and has not yet reached 41. In addition, at least one of the parties must have a minimum of three years of continuous social security.

The baby carrier can even be used to repay loans and its interest-free condition is to have at least one child. If three children are born in the family, the existing child ceases to exist as a result of the conversion of the birth allowance into a loan. However, if no child is born within five years, the five-year interest subsidy must be repaid in a single amount. With a new home loan, a maximum of 75 percent of the pending baby loan can be used to cover your own funds.

Debt relief for mothers

As of January 1, 2018, mothers who have obtained a student loan can request a three-year suspension of the payment of the student loan starting on the 91st day of pregnancy. The second son is also suspended for three years and gives up half of the debt.

In the case of the third child, the mother does not have to pay the reimbursement, but it is assumed by the State, Katalin Novák explained. If your mother has more than one student loan agreement, Student Loan1, Student Loan2, Language Student Loan, you can choose which debt you would like to use with the waiver option.

Mortgage Loan Reduction

A scheme very similar to the exemption of loan arrears for maternal students, as part of the Family Protection Action Plan, allowed couples to waive their mortgage payments as of July 1, 2019. For couples with real estate mortgages :

  • if they are expecting their second child, 1 million HUF of the debt of the 3 months of pregnancy,
  • in the case of the third child, 4 million HUF,
  • and for each additional child, the state takes between 1 million HUF from the existing loan.

Introducing a child home care fee (gyod)

As a result of the consistency of national NGOs fighting to increase home care fees, the government introduced a home care fee for children in early 2019 as a new category in addition to increasing the amounts. Regardless of the age of the child, the parent who cares for his child who is unable to support himself due to severe disability or long-term illness is entitled to this.

As of January 1, 2020, the amount of your benefit will be HUF 123,910 gross per month, from which ten percent of the pension contributions will be deducted. Anyone raising two children who cannot support themselves receives one and a half times state support. In addition to your child, your parents can earn up to four hours a day, or you may be entitled to a child care allowance (csed), child care allowance (gyed) and child care allowance (gyes) for your children. other children, and your child can also earn a disbursable child care subsidy (gyet).

Car buying program for large families

Between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022, families with three or more children can apply for a subsidy of HUF 2.5 million (but not more than 50% of the gross purchase price) from the State Treasury Hungarian for the purchase of a new car with at least seven seats. Non-reimbursable state support is now available for those with a third child on the way (this means the 12th week of pregnancy).

However, only the number of children who are actually entitled to the family allowance can be taken into account for the benefit, ie children studying in higher education no longer count in this regard. However, single-parent families can also benefit from state support, and a car can be purchased with a fixed-term lease or a car loan, as long as at least one of the parents is licensed.

+ 1. Free language test and TRAFFIC test for mothers with young children

It is a novelty in April of this year that Katalin Novák announced that from July 1, mothers who are dazed, in pain and in pain will also be able to benefit from the reimbursement of the language test, road signs course and test fee of road signs. The decree, which will come into force on July 1 this year, was motivated by the crisis, caused mainly by the crisis caused by the coronavirus, to help mothers find their way to the job market later.

Katalin Novák: a family protection action hero

He has been a minister since yesterday, but he is no longer a beginner in politics. Portrait of the Index in relation to the recent appointment.

(Cover image: The Noble family in Debrecen built a house in 2018 with the support of the family home creation discount (chocolate) for two children Photo: Tibor Oláh / MTI)
