Index – National – A fifty meter tunnel would be built in the Puskás Arena


The video of János Stummer, in which the right-wing president of the National Security Committee shared information that is classified information, that is, he allegedly violated a state secret and could be prosecuted, generated much controversy. The deputy spoke of an investment that they wanted to encrypt for many years through the National Security Committee. The politician said that he was also prepared for his movement to be removed from the head of the commission and brought to justice, but he agrees to do so because “he cannot do anything else under the oath of his deputies.”

Subsequently, the Puskás Arena published information about the investment in question in a Facebook post, and then the Prime Minister also spoke, confirming the investment plan to According to the portfolio, it is a fifty meter underpass for cars.

The Prime Minister’s press office announced that the Puskás Arena had received permission to review after six months whether a transport solution that worked well was to transport national and foreign protected persons to the Arena by occasionally obstructing and waiting for general public traffic. .

The Prime Minister informed the newspaper about the result of a review that considers security risks. Based on this, a better solution would be if


They added that the planned solution is a car underpass only 50 meters long.

In order for the short underpass to be built without risk to national security, to the safety of the public and protected persons, there is no information: special escape facilities, positions of space observers, etc. – Do not fall into unauthorized hands, the National Security Committee of the National Assembly approved that the design and construction works be tendered within the framework of a multiplayer competition by invitation, qualified at the national level. The builder must report the costs to Parliament’s National Security Commission after the tender.

– explained the Prime Minister’s Office.

By leaking the news of the investment, Stummer allegedly committed a serious violation, as the MP has a duty of confidentiality as a member of the National Security Committee. At the same time, Jobbik Chairman Péter Jakab supported him with all his heart on behalf of the party.

It was also built for the People’s Stadium

A tunnel to the predecessor of the Puskás Arena, the People’s Stadium, was built in the 1950s, through which special guests were transported. The so-called Rákosi tunnel led from the Istvánmezei út metro to the sports field. The exclusive flight allowed the country’s leaders and privileged guests to enter or leave the People’s Stadium without being seen. It was possible to taxi to the shelter by car, where two machine gun nests were protecting the drivers at the time. The tunnel was blown up during the demolition of the People’s Stadium.

The chairman of the National Security Committee may have breached state secrets

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was also involved in the matter.

(Cover image: The Puskás Arena on the opening day of November 15, 2019. Photo: Tibor Illyés / MTI)
