Index – National – A decision on the rules for the Christmas period can be made next week


In the government briefing on Thursday, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, spoke about the fact that Hungary is twelfth out of 27 EU member states in terms of infection data, and the Hungarian mortality figure. it is below the EU average. At the same time, the minister also acknowledged that despite restrictive measures, the death toll continues to rise (it just broke another record today). Compared to previous forecasts, the epidemic may peak in Hungary before January and December, after which relief can be expected.

Gulyás also spoke about the fact that all retirees will soon receive a letter from the national medical director Cecília Müller about the launch of the vaccine reserve campaign in Hungary. Seniors can register for this by letter, but next week it will also be possible online at

Vaccinations will be voluntary, but only organized by the state. With this, Gulyás reacted to the information disseminated on social networks, according to which vaccinations will also be organized in Hungary.

Hungary tries to seize every opportunity

– said Gulyás, who announced that Hungary will join another vaccine program to bring vaccines to the country from the east and west. This is because, according to current information, Britain will first provide itself and the United States with the Pfizer vaccine, and it can only reach the European Union months after the vaccine.

There is still no decision on the Christmas and New Years rules.

Gulyas also said the government will make a decision next week on epidemiological rules after December 11, until current restrictions are maintained. Viktor Orbán has started a consultation with epidemiologists and operational staff on the measures for the Christmas period, and after consulting with them, a decision can be made at the government meeting next Wednesday.

According to the minister, the economic growth rate could be 10 percent lower than expected in January. The government says that the policy of raising taxes, which they say is represented by the mayor and some municipalities, for example, is unacceptable. Therefore, the government intends to stabilize the tax level at the level of December 31, 2019, which local governments cannot change during the state of emergency.

However, Gulyás also said that the government had not made a decision on the business tax, László Parragh’s proposal is not on the agenda.

Szájer, Demeter, Deutsch

Gergely Gulyás referred only to the Szájer case, as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said yesterday. He personally appreciates the work of József Szájer, but what he did is unacceptable to his political community, so he made the only right decision by resigning his mandate in the European Parliament and leaving Fidesz. The government does not wish to comment on speculation that the disclosure of the politician’s scandalous case was a “revenge of Brussels” or a secret service intervention.

However, the fact that Tamás Deutsch compared the argument of the leader of the European People’s Party with the argument of the Gestapo and ÁVO falls into the category of free expression. The case of Szilárd Demeter was also discussed, about which Gulyás said that the government did not agree with the article on the gas chamber, so it was the right decision for the author to withdraw his writing.

The senior shopping bar has been overhauled by the government, they are happy with it, so they don’t want to change that.
