Index – National – A breakdown is expected on Sunday on the M0 bridge


Traffic restrictions should be expected on Sunday on the M0 motorway bridge over the Danube, because measurements and tests are carried out, said Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.

Status studies have already been carried out on the Deák Ferenc bridge, the second phase of which is beginning. The infrastructure developer’s specialists will conduct measurements and inspections three times during the fall, the first on Sunday, September 20. The employees of Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. They will build a temporary detour between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Sunday morning.

Attention is also drawn to the fact that during the investigation, traffic on the south side of the bridge will be provided in a single lane for the continuous passage of traffic on the north side. At the beginning of the detour and recovery, road users should wait a few minutes of traffic stopping. The temporary detour is expected to end no later than 2 to 3 p.m. and the current 3-3 lane traffic regime will be restored. Next time, Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt plans to carry out similar measurements for October.

Sewer money spent on road construction must be reimbursed according to the judgment of the Eger court
