Index – National – A bird is introduced into Hungary to be hunted


The Hungarian Association for Ornithology and Conservation of Nature (MME) in an open letter asks the Minister of Agriculture István Nagy to revoke the decree on hunting the red prisoner, since the animal endangers other species native to Hungary, such as anyway

a gray prisoner on the brink of extinction.

In the letter from the MME, he also writes that a red prisoner is possible in Hungary as of November 2. (Alectoris rufa) emissions and hunting, which in turn raises three serious game conservation and management concerns.

The letter emphasizes that the spread of exotic and invasive species around the world is one of the main causes of biodiversity loss, and that preventing and managing the problem they cause requires significant resources, and that without an impact assessment it would not be possible in the 21st century. to allow the release of a species of bird that has never passed within the borders of Hungary.

Not to mention that the gray prisoner has become rarer in Europe,

Specifically extinct from Switzerland,

In Hungary, the number of people decreased by 90 percent. It is also not very good news that due to the release of the red prisoner, there is a possibility that the disease will spread further among birds, which obviously again only means that the gray prisoner population may continue to decline.

So from many points of view it is not considered a good idea to deploy a red prisoner and it is written that

the perceived benefits are also disproportionate to the potential environmental risk.
