Index – National: 47 healthcare providers will receive an additional capacity of HUF 5 billion


47 healthcare providers will receive nearly HUF 5 billion in additional capacity, the Human Resources Ministry (Emmi) reported on Friday. Beneficiaries include inpatient, outpatient, specialist, dental, and chronic care facilities.

Thanks to the extra capacity, waiting lists will be shortened, more modern and faster care will be possible, that is, institutions will be able to receive more patients, in more hours and with a greater number of beds.

In the course of the evaluation, the Overcapacity Admission Committee (TBB) received requests that strengthen outpatient care and improve the availability of diagnostic tests. According to the announcement, the established budget is a maximum of 5 billion HUF per year, which the committee proposed to fund the areas most necessary for patient care.

To guarantee overtime for CT, MRI, PET / CT, the committee proposed more than a third of the total, helping all patients to access diagnostic tests in less time than before.

Almost 50 million guilders more will be spent on treating children, for example dental care. In addition, the acquisition of other disposables that are important from a special point of view, as well as psychiatric and addictive rehabilitation, also received special support – they describe.

As of December 1, 2020, service providers can request the National Health Insurance Fund Manager to modify their financing contract and thus compromise their additional capabilities.
