Index – National – 39-year-old rural teacher dies of coronavirus, but not in statistics since Saturday


Three days after his death, a 39-year-old teacher who was treated for a rapid-onset coronavirus infection at a rural hospital was still not in official statistics at; was reported by 444. He had shortness of breath on September 19, where he was confirmed in the intensive care unit with a positive result in the PCR test after he was also diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. He was hooked up to a ventilator almost immediately, but his condition no longer improved. He died twelve days after his entry.

According to the widow, the final report from her husband’s hospital also states that “in general, the hypertensive diabetic patient had SARS-2 COVID-induced respiratory failure, the ARDS progressed to multi-organ failure, which was no longer reversible with complex intensive care and caused the death of the patient. ”

The man was not included in the daily statistics of the operating tribe despite being identifiable by his age. There is only one patient under 40 in the statistics, a 21-year-old woman. provide information, who was also mentioned by Cecília Müller in her press conference. At the moment, the portal is also awaiting information from operational personnel and the National Center for Public Health on the cause of what happened.
