Index – Meanwhile – Viktor Orbán: I’m giving a million!


The singer has been one of the most attacked people since the Britney Spears documentary came out. The male member of the former star couple spoke disparagingly about his former love years ago, almost mocking the singer. The words immediately sparked the chagrin of fans, Timberlake responded in an Instagram post on Friday.

I’ve seen the posts, the marks, the comments, and the concerns; I want to answer. I am truly sorry for the times my actions contributed to the problem, I was tactless, or I did not say the right thing. I understand that I did not live up to expectations and benefited from a system that tolerates female hatred and racism.

I want to apologize separately to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson because I care about them, respect them, and know I made a mistake.

I feel compelled to respond, partly because everyone involved deserves better, but mostly because it’s a bigger speech that I want to be a part of with a pure heart.

The profession has flaws. It helps the success of men, especially white men. This is how it is set. As a man in a privileged position, I have to speak about it. Due to my ignorance, I didn’t realize what and how happened in my life then, but I no longer want to benefit at the expense of others.

I haven’t been able to navigate all of this perfectly throughout my career. I know this apology is the first step and will not destroy the past. I take responsibility for my mistakes, I want to be part of a world that uplifts and supports others.

I care deeply for the well-being of my loved ones and former loved ones. I can behave better and I will behave better.
