Index – Meanwhile – Attila Pataky has been treated with a coronavirus, but he is better


Attila Pataky, the leader of Edda, was also infected with a coronavirus. He had previously called the situation around the coronavirus and pandemic hysterical, and this morning, fighting back tears on the Retro Radio morning show, he told me that he too had contracted the coronavirus. Asked by the presenter Gábor Bochkor, the singer said:

Yes, I mean humbly, fate taught me very strongly to be a little quieter, not to be so loud, not to be so opinion-oriented.

The musician who checked in by phone reported that his wife had taken him to the hospital because he was already very ill. Attila Pataky said he had to deal a lot with pneumonia caused by the virus and spoke with appreciation for the sacrificial work of health workers:

It is incredible what needs to be done there for the doctors, for all those who work there, for the heroes of everyday life, 35 degrees Celsius, with masks, for the sisters who do their thing.

He’s much better, he told the world:

I humbly report, I am here, for love, I am here again as a 69 year old rock singer lyricist.
