Index – Hungary – Béla Merkely: Without austerity, the number of infected people would increase dramatically


If there were no austerity measures, the number of infected would increase dramatically and, at the same time, the number of those requiring medical and hospital treatment would radically increase, the MTI wrote what Béla Merkely said on M1 on Thursday. Béla Merkely added that more patients are already being treated at Semmelweis University than at the peak in November last year, and the number of severe cases nationwide was close to 95 percent.

In a relatively short period of time, these numbers would increase even more and possibly affect the quality of hospital care “if we do not move towards hardening over time,” said the expert. When asked how much austerity the third wave could shorten, he said: the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic had previously reached Ireland, Britain and Portugal, and in these countries.

approximately one month after adjustment, the number of cases decreased significantly.

According to Béla Merkely, the tightening will reduce the number of new cases, the spectacular effect of which will be felt in two weeks. However, he added that it is very important that the population is vaccinated, because the most effective way to combat the epidemic is to vaccinate at the highest possible rate. In his opinion, the situation will be “significantly better” in mid-May and there will be an opportunity to gradually reduce the tightening.

He said that he sees a constant improvement in their willingness to vaccinate, now most of the population wants to be vaccinated, and they clearly see that the best vaccine they have been vaccinated with is because it provides detectable protection in six or two weeks. According to the expert, opinions that question the effectiveness of vaccines can cause a lot of harm, because a part of the population can become unsafe as a result.

Béla Merkely also mentioned that a significant advantage over the second wave is that doctors and professionals are now vaccinated, and there are five positive cases of coronavirus among 5,800 doctors and professionals at the University of Semmelweis, as she said.

human resources will not depend on patient care.

Gergely Gulyás on Thursday Announced the closing of shops and services from March 8 to March 22, and the closing of kindergartens and elementary schools before April 7. Stores will be closed from March 8 to 22, except grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores, gas stations and tobacco shops is. With the exception of private healthcare, all services will be suspended from March 8-22.
