Index – Foreigner – Viktor Orbán congratulated Hunor Kelemen


In a letter, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán congratulated Kelemen Hunor, president of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (DAHR), for continuing to have significant Hungarian representation in the Romanian Parliament due to the results of Sunday’s elections, he told the MTI. Bertalan Havasi, Prime Minister. According to Viktor Orbán

We all knew that the coronavirus epidemic posed a difficult task in this vote, the alliance of Hungarian parties led by the Hungarian Democratic Alliance in Romania, but at the same time further confirmed the exemplary unity of recent months, thanks to the Hungarians from Transylvania. and Partia in the next period. decisions in this regard ”.

On the eve of the elections, Kelemen Hunor said that the DAHR will be present in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and will guarantee proportional representation to the Hungarian community. The DAHR president believed that the expected result shows that the Hungarian people understood the DAHR’s message about the stakes in the elections and the challenges of the coming term, the telegraph office wrote. The Transylvanian politician attributed the coronavirus epidemic to holding Sunday’s elections with the weakest turnout in 30 years.

Clement Hunor highlighted the need to start negotiations in the coming days to guarantee a parliamentary majority and stable governance. He said that a stable center-right government would be desirable.
