Index – Foreigner – Vaccinated with AstraZeneca, 38-year-old teacher dies in Slovakia


A high school teacher who previously reported serious side effects after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine died, news portal reported in Dunaszerdahely. As written, 38-year-old Antonia was vaccinated on February 13 and later told Slovakian public service television that she had experienced high fever, severe headaches and muscle aches after vaccination.

He was hospitalized a week after the vaccination and died on February 27. The exact cause of death is determined by autopsy, the teacher’s death was probably caused by cerebral edema and pulmonary embolism. The lady was thrombophilic, which genetically predisposes her to develop thrombosis.

The news portal adds that in Slovakia, so far, 804 cases of more serious vaccination reactions have been reported after the administration of AstraZeneca, but no deaths have been reported in connection with the vaccination. Experts also emphasize that there is no evidence that the death of the 38-year-old teacher was related to the administration of the vaccine.

In Slovakia, it was announced on Thursday that the AstraZeneca booster dose would be postponed from the proposed 28 days to 10 weeks. In several European countries, the administration of the British-Swedish vaccine has been temporarily suspended in recent days following deaths after vaccination, and there is a possibility that vaccination increases the risk of developing thrombosis.
