Index – Foreigner – They do not know where to put the dead in Slovakia


The situation in Slovakia is increasingly tragic, crematoria do not know where to store the dead. You have to wait up to three weeks for cremation, writes New Word.

There are currently six crematoria in operation in Slovakia, which burn practically 24 hours a day, non-stop. Ladislav Stríž, president of the Slovak Association of Funeral Homes and Crematories (SAPaKS), said that an average of 100 people die in one day, which is a lot and a significant burden for crematoria.

Most people want cremation, but it can take weeks for family members to receive the urn. Because the ovens run non-stop, the load on them is higher than usual, which is why several crematoria have indicated that they will soon have to be shut down for maintenance, meaning that more space will be needed to store the dead.

According to Slovak Interior Minister Roman Mikulec, more refrigerated trucks should be sent to crematoria to resolve the situation.

It is also a serious problem that several funeral homes do not commit to dressing the dead for fear of infection. Ladislav Stríž said the government should rethink the vaccination strategy, as funeral directors, like healthcare workers, are at the forefront of the virus. He says they should also anticipate the vaccination plan.
