Index – Foreigner – They appeared without a mask, criticize II. Queen Elizabeth and Prince William


II. Queen Elizabeth visited the British Department of Defense Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down with her granddaughter, Prince William, but was criticized for not wearing a mask, The Guardian wrote.

A spokesman for Buckingham Palace responded to the criticism by informing him that the visit had been preceded by medical advice and that all necessary precautions had been taken, in constant collaboration with the Porton Down laboratory staff.

The lab said all 48 people who may have been in direct contact with the queen and 94-year-old prince during the visit were tested and all tested negative for the coronavirus. In addition, they kept their distance throughout the visit, and two members of the royal family arrived at the scene separately.

However, it is not known exactly when the 48 people employed by the laboratory were last tested. All you know about this is that recently.
