Index – Foreigner – Tamás Deutsch would be excluded from the faction by the deputies


The collection of signatures that initiates the exclusion of Tamás Deutsch from Fidesz has started in the European Parliamentary Group of the European People’s Party (EPP), writes Népszava. A correspondence, which was also seen by members of the newspaper’s editorial committee, reveals, among other things, that one of the initiators was the Austrian MEP Othmar Karas.

In a letter to the group’s leader Manfred Weber, the petitioners write that they are watching Fidesz MEPs with astonishment and growing impatience.

radicalization and verbal attacks.

It should be remembered that the head of delegation, Tamás Deutsch, recently compared one of Manfred Weber’s statements with that of the Gestapo and ÁVO. The faction leader previously told reporters that Viktor Orbán should not fear the rule of law if the courts in Hungary are independent and the media free.

Tamás Deutsch reacted to this in two interviews saying that the motto of the Gestapo and ÁVO was that if you have nothing to cover up, you don’t have to be afraid. The politicians who have proposed the expulsion of Tamás Deutsch find it offensive for all members of the faction to compare the insistence on respect for the rule of law with Nazism or Communism.

This is a flagrant and intolerable distortion of historical facts and a mockery of the victims of totalitarian regimes. The only difference between the Europe of the dark days of Nazism and Communism and the European Union of today is that today there is the rule of law, judges are independent, speech and the media are free.

– He declared in the letter. The signatories also called Tamás Deutsch’s statements shocking and embarrassing and wanted the People’s Party to vote on his exclusion at the December 9 meeting.
