Index – Foreigner – Tamás Deutsch apologized to the leader of the European People’s Party


The Hungarian MEP informed the members of the Group of the European People’s Party (EPP) in a letter that apologized to Manfred Weber after comparing the statements of the leader of the EPP faction with the arguments of the Gestapo and ÁVO.

According to his letter, he had no intention of offending Webert, but if he had, he would follow the German politician.

During our phone conversation the other day, I was convinced that the group leader had taken note of the apology.

The member writes in his letter.

Tamás Deutsch referred to the background of his apology, his interview in the Hungarian press on November 25, in which he responded to Weber’s observation that Viktor Orbán should not fear the rule of law conditional on the payment of subsidies if the courts in Hungary they are independent and free media.

The Fidesz MEP said that the motto of the Gestapo and ÁVO was that if you had nothing to cover up, you did not have to be afraid.

Some members of the People’s Party have repeatedly called for the immediate expulsion of Fidesz from the European People’s Party, citing press reports about the interview, and Othmar Karas said that “Deutsch will either apologize or leave.” An apology was issued, after which Mr. Karas took the initiative to exclude me from my group.

– emphasizes Tamás Deutsch. He stressed that said interview was not directed against anyone, but rather criticized a procedure that, in his firm opinion, had no guarantee of the rule of law. It does not agree with the rule of law, which recalls a time when, based on arbitrary political decisions, anyone could be punished for anything at any time:

As I pointed out in the interview, differences of opinion within a democratic political community should not be “treated” in a similar way to those in the State Communist Party.

The motion to exclude Tamás Deutsch was signed by thirty members of the PPE. In a statement two days ago, the MEP adopted an even more militant tone. He then mentioned the “double standards”, the “punitive mechanism of the rule of law”, the “punitive reasons” and stated:

the exclusion initiative exhausts the notion of domestic violence within the in-laws.

(Cover image: Tamás Deutsch. Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
