Index – Foreigner – Revenge campaign launched against Europe


Extreme Islamists have also planned assassinations in various parts of Europe, in Germany and Brussels, said national security expert József Kis-Benedek. The expert was approached in connection with a series of attacks in Vienna on Monday night, with street shootings and bombings that claimed four civilian victims and several seriously injured. József Kis-Benedek emphasized that relatively few details of the attack have been revealed so far, but the Austrian action revealed that they were prepared for the assassination.

“Cooperation between government agencies and public information was also incredibly oiled. This is how it should be done. “

Benedict Kis-evaluated the action. The operation is being coordinated by the Vienna Ministry of the Interior, which reacted at lightning speed: in a matter of minutes, a special unit of the Austrian police, WEGA, arrived and the command unit that reports directly to the World Bank, the Cobra . But the fact that several perpetrators have been arrested and are currently on the hunt for fleeing terrorists also points to a professional handling of the situation.

According to the expert, the action of the Austrian authorities was an organized counterattack.

József Kis-Benedek added that a series of killings could also be expected after extremist Islamists declared revenge for the humiliation of the Prophet Muhammad. Thus it was appreciated that the French head of state, Emmanuel Macron, had previously defended the free publication of European values, such as the cartoons of the weekly Charlie Hebdo joking about the prophet Muhammad. Macron condemned the extremist Islamic actions at the funeral of a beheaded French teacher in late October, followed by a series of attacks: Several people in both Nice and Avignon were killed by Islamist extremists.

In this regard, Benedict Kis said that the security forces have foiled several assassinations in the recent past, with assassinations planned in Brussels and Germany directly in connection with the Vienna attack. According to the expert, the provision is also justified by the fact that the assassins were already much more prepared during the Vienna attack.

“They attacked six points in the city with firearms, including machine guns and suicide bombs. The police also found explosives prepared in several places ″

Little Benedict said. The use of these weapons and explosives is also of particular concern because only highly organized criminal groups can acquire them.
