Index – Foreigner – Lendvai: Orbán is not anti-Semitic, but …


The fact that (Szilárd Demeter) withdrew the article on Sunday without a clear apology does not change the fact that this unprecedented derailment stems from the fiery rhetoric of the (Orbán) regime.

– Writes Paul Lendvai, an influential Viennese publicist of Hungarian origin, in his usual Tuesday article in the columns of the liberal Der Standard. However, the 91-year-old Holocaust survivor journalist states:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is not anti-Semitic; it does not have overtly anti-Jewish statements.

Lendvai believes that the writing of the director general of the Petőfi Literary Museum on the news portal at the end of the week, which caused a major storm – and then was withdrawn – signifies a “disgraceful defect” and an “unprecedented derailment” in the double rhetoric that promotes zero tolerance for anti-Semitism. on the other hand, internally, through “pseudoscientific institutes, rewritten textbooks and numerous propagandists”, it trivializes the complicity of the Horthy regime in the murder of 560,000 Hungarian Jews.

Serious words, wave of protest

According to Demeter Szilárd

György Soros’s gas chamber in Europe: toxic gas flows from the capsule of a multicultural open society, which is deadly to the European way of life, and we, the nations of Europe, are doomed to try to fight for the last sip of air climbing each other. Liberals now want to exclude Poles and Hungarians from the political community of which we still have rights as members. We are the new Jews.

As the Index reported at the end of the week, Demeter’s writing sparked protests from opposition politicians and public figures, including Mazsihisz, Orthodox Rabbi Köves Slomo, and the US and Israeli embassies in Budapest. Demeter was also required to be replaced, and some of his staff even openly distanced themselves from him.

(Cover image: Paul Lendvai. Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI)
