Index – Foreigner – Joe Biden: Putin is a murderer


“Aham, yeah, I think so,” US President Joe Biden told the ABC News reporter when asked if he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin was a murderer.

The US news channel recalled that US intelligence published a report on Tuesday that the Russian president had played a central role in including Bident in the 2020 US presidential election, which influenced the vote in favor of Donald Trump.

In this regard, the president of the United States said that he warned Putin of the consequences in their telephone conversation in January. And in the interview, he vowed to be the Russian president.

pays the price of the intervention.

However, he did not reveal more about how.

However, he indicated that cooperation between Washington and Moscow is possible where interests are common. As an example, the President of the United States cited the extension of the Russian-American New START Treaty on Military Offensive Weapons Reduction (START-3).

Moscow tickled

No one should talk about our leader like that

– Vyacheslav Vologyin, Speaker of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament (Duma), responded to the appointment of the Russian president.

Today’s Biden statement goes beyond common sense. Therefore, the leader of a country who is running for the role of bearer of democratic and moral principles cannot behave. No one can talk about our head of state in this way.

The president of the Duma stressed.
