Index – Foreigner – Habsburg replaces Charles at the embassy in Paris


Habsburg Györgyöt, IV. Károly, the grandson of the last Hungarian king, the son of Otto Habsburg, is being sent to Paris by the government, the Index has learned from various diplomatic sources. The dual Austrian-Hungarian aristocrat will be heard by Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday, and there are hardly any professional concerns about the candidate. György Habsburg, 55, has held various diplomatic posts since 1996, according to the most recent information, he worked as an extraordinary traveling ambassador and represented the interests of the Hungarian Olympic Committee abroad. In his presentation at the National University of Civil Service last year, the diplomat spoke about the fact that in addition to his duties in foreign affairs, he also retained his media interest.

I will not be a member of any party, I want to continue my work in the media and I will not receive any salary.

György Habsburg listed the conditions for undertaking diplomatic missions at that time. At the same time, the question is whether the Hungarian diplomat will stick to his stipulations with the post of ambassador in Paris.

György Habsburg replaces another aristocrat, György Károlyi, at the head of the Paris office: in 2015, the Hungarian ambassador became a member of the Count’s family. Károlyi has dual Hungarian-French citizenship, has lived in Paris since the age of one year. He visited his home for the first time after the change of regime and, in addition to rebuilding the family castle in Fehérvárcsurgó, he also worked as economic director of the French Fiat subsidiary.

It is not news that the Orbán government wants to assert its interests in Paris through candidates with noble roots. At the turn of the millennium, during the first Viktor Orbán government, the family’s business partner, Dezső Kékessy, represented Hungary in France.

(Cover image: György Habsburg. Photo: János Marjai / MTI)
