The European Union must confront Hungary and Poland: this is the conclusion of György Soros in his new article in Project Syndicate.
The Hungarian-American billionaire went public after asking Hungary and Poland to veto the new seven-year European Union budget of 1.15 trillion euros and the rescue package of 750 billion euros. Although both countries are the largest beneficiaries, their governments are strongly opposed to the rule of law established by the European Union. [a támogatásokból való részesedésért] after the decision of the European Parliament – explains György Soros. According to him, for the prime ministers of the two countries, Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki, the rule of law is nothing more than a practical obstacle to personal and political corruption, and the veto is called a “desperate game.”
The article gives examples of how the Hungarian government violated the rule of law and public property:
Orbán directed a huge amount of public money to private foundations, which he manages indirectly. Due to a constitutional trick, two-thirds of the parliament could only be used to return this money to the Hungarian people. […] In a series of scams, companies close to Orbán bought more than 16,000 ventilators for nearly $ 1 billion, far exceeding the number of healthcare workers who can handle them. Hungary paid China more for fans, at one point 50 times more than Germany.
György Soros also points out that Viktor Orbán has almost total power over the Hungarian countryside, where most of the country lives. It is no secret to anyone that elections and information that reaches the field are also controlled, he adds.
According to György Soros, it may be a solution to the problem posed by him,
if local governments receive EU grants directly in Hungary,
since democracy still works in local governments, unlike what happens at the national level.