Index – Foreigner – German Interior Minister: no additional rights for those who get vaccinated


No additional rights should be granted to those vaccinated against the coronavirus, the German federal interior minister said in an interview with a Sunday newspaper.

Horst Seehofer emphasized in an interview with Bild am Sonntag that discriminating against those who refuse to receive serum would amount to making vaccination mandatory, and that vaccination must remain voluntary.

Together we enter the crisis, and together we must fight to get out of it in solidarity.

– MTI quotes the politician from the Christian Social Union (CSU).

Asked what can be done if it is not public institutions but companies or social organizations, such as airlines or sports associations, which give an advantage to those who are vaccinated, he said that this should be avoided because it would lead to a division of society. One person’s privilege is to discriminate against another, he said.

He detailed: the state must remain neutral on this issue in any case. Medicine provides practical advice and guidelines on a daily basis, which is an important contribution to enlightenment and understanding, but there is a need for a policy of restraint in this area, the minister explained.

In Germany, according to a schedule announced by the federal government, the vaccination campaign officially began on Sunday. On Saturday, the distribution of the first was completed, about 150,000 doses of vaccine among the provinces. Delivery of the vaccine to the provinces is the responsibility of the federal government and the administration of the vaccine is organized by the provincial governments.

In practice, however, the province of Saxony-Anhalt in the east of the country has already started vaccination before. The first vaccination was administered here on Saturday afternoon, which was met with strong disapproval at the Federal Ministry of Health.

In the first phase of the vaccination campaign, at the end of March, 8.6 million people in their 80s, residents and workers of nursing homes and nursing homes, and hospital doctors and nurses across the country will be vaccinated.
