Index – Foreigner – George Clooney spoke to Viktor Orbán again


After Joe Biden comes to power, Viktor Orbán may find himself in a difficult position, George Clooney said in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The two-time Oscar-winning actor for his new movie, From the midnight sky he told the newspaper, but during the conversation, politics resurfaced.

George Clooney recalled that Donald Trump often spoke of the media as enemies, and this made it easier for other politicians to put the press in a similar color, but this will take place after the inauguration of the new president of the United States, Joe. Biden, January 20, 2021. changes, follows a new world, and

From now on, for example, Viktor Orbán will have a much more difficult task when he has to argue against the media.

Said the actor. According to him, according to the current position, Viktor Orbán can remain president for the rest of his life (sic!) (It seems from the text that George Clooney has lost his position as prime minister), but will have an increasingly difficult task . Because if the president of the United States no longer sets an example for authoritarian leaders, it will be much more difficult for them to retain power.

This is not the first time George Clooney has spoken to Viktor Orbán, and in November the Hungarian prime minister recalled hatred and anger. After his comment, a small message began between members of the Orbán government and the actor.
