Index – Foreigner – Did the CIA Chief Organize Against Trump?


Founded in 2008, the Gatestone Institute is a far-right media and opinion group headed by John Bolton until he resigned as the president’s chief national security adviser. Donald Trump, a well-known politician (former UN ambassador) known as his hypercap, was removed from office a year ago because he found his foreign policy stance too militant. Bolton then wrote a highly critical, possibly revealing book about his relationship with Trump. (The room where it happened), As a result, the president called it a “whistle” and indicated that he had fired Bolton because “John always wanted to put a little war on my neck.”

This is a surprising turn of events because when it opened, it even presided over President Bolton as the “greatest senior adviser of all time.”

After Kissinger and Brzezinski, this was a very strong commitment on their part, with little success. The rupture of the two, however, did not mean that the Gatestone turned away from the Republicans. Islamic radicalism and illegal immigration continue to be at the forefront of the interest of the Institute for International Policy (among their authors is the Dutch anti-immigrant Geert Wilderst) and, of course, they do not forgive Iran either. But they also often write about America’s home affairs. Its critics say they occasionally treat and interpret the facts in a vague way, but now they have released a scenario based on data supported in every detail. The author of Gatestone’s writings is Chris Farrell, a former intelligence officer who has been the director of investigation for 20 years for a conservative nonprofit organization the Guard of Justice.

Her target of interest this time is Gina Haspel, Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), who has been in office since May 2018 and served as head of the spy station in London from 2014 to 2017. This time frame coincides with when the FBI approached Stefan Halpert, a Cambridge political science professor, to participate in the reconnaissance against Paul Manafort, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. (The latter is also the one who gave a lecture in Budapest.) They belonged to the narrower environment of Donald Trump. The operation, which involved many other people, was given the romantic nickname “Hurricane Crossfire” and its main objective was to investigate the Russian influence on American public life and the election campaign.

According to Gatestone, the series of actions could not have taken place without the active participation of the CIA, since foreign intelligence is within its competence and the FBI is responsible for internal deterrence. In such cases, the Central Bureau of Investigation must inform the head of the local CIA station of the planned investigation within the range of action.

The jargon calls for this coordination, which would not have been possible without the participation of Gina Haspel.

Especially since the head of the station has the power to act as liaison with the intelligence organizations of the United Kingdom (MI6, GCHQ). The control of a known person operating in Great Britain can only be done with their participation, in order to avoid political and jurisdictional conflicts between the services of the two countries. This was particularly important in this story because the author of Steele’s working paper describing the Trump-Putin relationship was a former member of the British Secret Service. Compilation of the dossier began in the 2016 campaign semester and, according to The Guardian, it has become “one of the most destructive documents in modern political history.”

The outline of the report was already in the hands of the leaders of the American Intelligence Community (CI) in June 2016. This framework is the one that, by decree of President Reagan, coordinates the activities of 16 American intelligence and response organizations. President Trump has presided over the invaluable body five times so far. This also indicates the brilliant mistrust between the organization and the White House, the reasons for which are rooted in this history.

It is part of Haspel’s portrait that she is the first woman and also the first professional intelligence officer (not a politician) at the head of central intelligence. His experience and knowledge are unquestionable. However, there are also fuzzy spots in his professional past. In 2002, he was the leader of a covert action in Thailand when adrift al-Qaeda activists were tortured with the infamous shipping method. This method of torture was later declared legal by the Bush administration and has been used serially to extract contact information in the Guantanamo Island prison, the Abu Ghraib fortress in Iraq, but in other parts of the world.

Director Haspel has also worked in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ethiopia and places in the Caucasus that are not mentioned in her biography.

It is a no-go area for the FBI to interfere with election campaigns. According to Gatestone, this ban led the investigation office to detect a “foreign deterrent threat” in the UK and then import the investigation into the US, where it already has the power to investigate further. This required the help of the CIA.

It is also a fact that the Chief Justice Inspector has set the exact date of the FBI-Halper meeting as August 10, 2016, the third month before the election. Professor Halper has been in a consultative contract with the Obama administration since the Assembly of Republican Candidates in Iowa in 2015, of which the London station chief must have known ex officio.

The organization, now proven, was not only aimed at the Republican presidential candidate, but also at key figures in his environment. Mainly Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He is the one who wanted to jail Hillary Clinton for negligent handling of office emails and became President Trump’s first senior national security adviser. Since then, Flynn has been prosecuted.

For his sake, President Comey asked the FBI director to let him run because “Mike is a waist guy.”

According to Gatestone’s theory, the organization would have been a “soft hit”, in which they would be subject to procedures, thus neutralizing key people in the Trump campaign. Thus, the presidential candidate becomes lonely and vulnerable, and his leadership credibility is also devalued. (“In what ways do you surround yourself?”) But that would not have been possible without the cooperation of the intelligence community’s protagonist, the CIA, Gatestone emphasizes.

Finally, the institute also notes that three weeks ago, Haspel personally blocked the disclosure of the Russia Gate data repositories. These include data on Hillary Clinton’s personal stake in Trump’s expiration, which the Index has already reported.

Gatestone’s bottom line is that the director wants to stay on the back burner, and it suits her that FBI Director James Comey, who has already been replaced and dragged in anyway, continue the bad luck. Even in jail, as Donald Trump stalked him in a Twitter post last December.

Comey won some time in Covid-19 and the election campaign. A miniseries recently presented by SHOWTIME (Comey’s Law) It can even be an advantage because it portrays him in a positive way among the audience, as opposed to the president.

However, the re-election of Donald Trump could also entail a change of leadership at the head of the CIA.
