Index – Foreigner – “Armenia is the real aggressor”


Although the parties declared a temporary ceasefire in the early hours of Saturday, the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh has barely eased, according to field reports. Another war between Azerbaijan and Armenia broke out on September 27 and since then at least 376 people have died in the conflict.

The Index has previously published several articles on the conflict, one of which has been contacted by our reader in Azerbaijan, Peter Gardalits. A Hungarian in his thirties moved to the city of Sumgait on the Caspian Sea seven years ago. Although his home is about 400 kilometers from the conflict zone, Péter Gardalits said that Armenian missiles also crash around him.

“As soon as the ceasefire was announced, they immediately started shooting. Also, most of those who died over the weekend were children. ”

Our reader said, adding that he attacked with missiles the civilian residential areas of Ganja city outside the conflict zone. “Children and women were also killed in the terrorist attack and many civilians were injured, including Armenians,” added our insider. He also highlighted that Armenians constantly bomb Azerbaijani civilian villages and towns beyond the conflict zone, while Baku respects the borders of Armenia and has never fired within the Armenian borders.

Peter Gardalits does not hide his bias. The man, who founded a family in Azerbaijan and still works as an English teacher in the Caucasus country, claimed that Armenia is clearly the aggressor.

Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Armenian separatists took action in Nagorno-Karabakh. Ethnic cleansing against Azeris began

We continue until the last foot of land has been freed from occupation.

He said. Of course, we also asked our reader in Azerbaijan what the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh was saying, but according to Gardalits, it was not retaliation. As he said, Azerbaijan does not aim to expel the Christian communities from the region, as there are still a large number of Armenians in the Muslim country.

“Armenian propaganda is booming. thanks to its diaspora of millions, the international media is strong for its self-pity “

Gardalits said. He added that while the world watches the Armenians, Azeri civilians are being massacred. “Baku ordered a partial mobilization on September 27,” our reader continued, with a curfew between 9 am and 6 pm According to our reader’s report, the atmosphere in Azerbaijan is more optimistic. “One day is better, the next day people are worse. It depends on the news coming from the front, ”he added. Of course, life in the Caucasian country has not stopped there yet, according to our interviewee, people go to work, school and shopping in the market in the same way. However, the fighting spirit can also be felt in everyday life. Peter Gardalits commented that Azeris were brave and determined people, most of whom were used to international conflicts.

Since the war broke out again, all the houses have the Azeri and Turkish flags outside.

Added. The most important ally of Azerbaijan is Turkey, according to Peter Gardalits, which is also reflected in the street scene, and the colors of the two nations are also painted by children running in military uniforms.

Besides Turkey, Azerbaijan has the support of Israel and Pakistan, among others, but Gardalits believes that the leaders of the western world also unanimously recognize Azerbaijan’s demands. “Armenia has the support of Russia and Iran. Moscow is committed to bringing the ceasefire under the roof, which, on the other hand, was driven by the Armenians from the very beginning,” added our reader.

We also asked about the relationship between Hungary and Azerbaijan. As previously written in the Index, the government supports Azerbaijan and it was not the only time that Hungary publicly supported Baku in a conflict. Péter Gardalits said that the Azeris are fully aware of this and are very grateful for the support of the Hungarians.

These people see us as brothers and sisters

Our reader added, saying to our question that the 2012 edition of Ramil Safarov was a topic in Azerbaijan for a long time. Safarov stayed in Hungary in 2004 as a participant in a NATO Partnership for Peace program and later killed his Armenian roommate with an ax. Thus, the Hungarian court sentenced him to life imprisonment, but in 2012, at the request of the Azerbaijani authorities, Hungary extradited him to Azerbaijan.

If you live in Armenia or the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and want to inform us about local conditions, please send an email to [email protected].

(Cover image: Azerbaijani flag in the city of Ganja on a building damaged in a bomb attack on October 12, 2020. Photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images Hungary)


He said. During our video chat, he showed videos and photos, the bodies of murdered women and children in the Azeri press, lying in mass graves. Regarding the brutality against the civilian population committed in current and previous conflicts, Peter Gardalits pointed out that almost all states consider Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. But he also recalled that the territorial claims of the Caucasus state were also supported by a 1993 UN Security Council resolution.

In Nagorno-Karabakh, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a bloody war broke out in 1988, with more than 6,000 Armenians and nearly 12,000 Azeris killed in a conflict that lasted more than six years. Although the parties concluded a ceasefire in 1994, fighting in the gunpowder zone has been periodically renewed since then.

“After thirty years of recurrent Armenian provocations, Azerbaijan has decided to end the occupation of the Armenian separatists in Karabakh and its territory and to liberate their territories,” Gardalits continued. While there is a recurring cliché in the international press that the parties blame each other for the recurrence of the conflict, our interviewee said that they view the ongoing war in Azerbaijan very differently.

We continue until the last foot of land has been freed from occupation.

He said. Of course, we also asked our reader in Azerbaijan what the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh was saying, but according to Gardalits, it was not retaliation. As he said, Azerbaijan does not aim to expel the Christian communities from the region, as there are still a large number of Armenians in the Muslim country.

“Armenian propaganda is booming. thanks to its diaspora of millions, the international media is strong for its self-pity “

Gardalits said. He added that while the world watches the Armenians, Azeri civilians are being massacred. “Baku ordered a partial mobilization on September 27,” our reader continued, with a curfew between 9 am and 6 pm According to our reader’s report, the atmosphere in Azerbaijan is more optimistic. “One day is better, the next day people are worse. It depends on the news coming from the front, ”he added. Of course, life in the Caucasian country has not stopped there yet, according to our interviewee, people go to work, school and shopping in the market in the same way. However, the fighting spirit can also be felt in everyday life. Peter Gardalits commented that Azeris were brave and determined people, most of whom were used to international conflicts.

Since the war broke out again, all the houses have the Azeri and Turkish flags outside.

Added. The most important ally of Azerbaijan is Turkey, according to Peter Gardalits, which is also reflected in the street scene, and the colors of the two nations are also painted by children running in military uniforms.

Besides Turkey, Azerbaijan has the support of Israel and Pakistan, among others, but Gardalits believes that the leaders of the western world also unanimously recognize Azerbaijan’s demands. “Armenia has the support of Russia and Iran. Moscow is committed to bringing the ceasefire under the roof, which, on the other hand, was driven by the Armenians from the very beginning,” added our reader.

We also asked about the relationship between Hungary and Azerbaijan. As previously written in the Index, the government supports Azerbaijan and it was not the only time that Hungary publicly supported Baku in a conflict. Péter Gardalits said that the Azeris are fully aware of this and are very grateful for the support of the Hungarians.

These people see us as brothers and sisters

Our reader added, saying to our question that the 2012 edition of Ramil Safarov was a topic in Azerbaijan for a long time. Safarov stayed in Hungary in 2004 as a participant in a NATO Partnership for Peace program and later killed his Armenian roommate with an ax. Thus, the Hungarian court sentenced him to life imprisonment, but in 2012, at the request of the Azerbaijani authorities, Hungary extradited him to Azerbaijan.

If you live in Armenia or the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and want to inform us about local conditions, please send an email to [email protected].

(Cover image: Azerbaijani flag in the city of Ganja on a building damaged in a bomb attack on October 12, 2020. Photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images Hungary)
