Index – Foreign – Why did Trump raise $ 200 million when he no longer became president?


Save America!

The Save America Political Action Committee, or PAC, received donations worth approximately HUF 60 billion to Donald Trump’s calls to change the outcome of the November 3 elections with donations, not to challenge the president. Democrat Joe Biden could move into the White House. Donations are needed to cover legal costs; Such proceedings have been initiated in important states challenging the result of the vote.

There are different types of political action committees in the United States; His point is that the sums do not go to a particular political candidate, but to the PAC that supports him, which pays sums for that candidate’s campaign.

Between October 15 and November 23, the Trump campaign raised $ 495 million from various Republican political organizations. However, this amount does not include Save America’s $ 200 million PAC, as this is the so-called Leadership PAC, which is also subject to more flexible rules on donations and spending.

That is why it is also called a bribery fund. Some of the proceeds to contest the outcome of the elections in court were also transferred to Save America.

A political tool forged with money

Executive PACs can also be used to keep campaign staff on payroll, create political ads, and fund campaign staff events.

One thing Trump certainly could not use the money for is his 2024 campaign, should he decide to run for president again. (He has been flirting with this multiple times in recent weeks.)

Preparing for a campaign in 2024 would likely tie the hands of the Republican Party’s pro-presidential politicians and divide the party itself. Although more and more Republicans are backtracking behind Trump, the outgoing president continues to enjoy a significant base of support, as evidenced by the number of donations raised since the presidential election.

Republicans know very well that Trump, with his new PAC and his database of followers, could have an impact on the future of his party.

If Trump announces his intention to relaunch, he could force the Republican Party to mold its policy around the person of the outgoing president, even if Trump took it seriously. This could lead to an even bigger rift within the party.

The Republican president is currently campaigning for the two Republican candidates ahead of the early January Senate by-elections in Georgia. The stakes are high: If senatorial candidates lose their votes, the Republican Party loses its majority in the Senate. That is why it has emerged that Trump will announce his resignation from the White House before the midterm elections to inspire his supporters and encourage them to vote in Georgia.

However, some of his confidants are leading the president to focus more on strategically undermining the Biden administration over the next two years, laying the groundwork to support Republican candidates in the 2022 midterm parliamentary elections.

Fill in a wall for the years after the presidency

In the last weeks of the outgoing president, there have been a number of small signals suggesting that Trump is still using his presidency to prepare for the world after January 20 – that is, the next president, certainly Joe Biden.

Two criminal investigations have been launched against the president regardless of his business, dating back before his 2016 election. If the investigation leads to prosecution, Trump is expected to incur a horrible amount. Also good for this is that the president has $ 200 million that he asked from donors for legal battles.

His daughter, Ivanka Trump, was questioned in early December on suspicion that the Trump family had embezzled more than $ 1 million from a fund created for presidential induction.

The idea of ​​forgiving himself, his family and his allies beforehand has already emerged in the president’s circles, as a kind of guarantee that anyone will be charged with a federal crime after his term. It is not yet clear how this would work in practice, but in light of press reports that presidential pardons are on the line, it is striking in any case that the Justice Department has launched an investigation into Trump’s pardon. . Authorities are investigating whether money has been transferred to the White House or a political organization linked to the president, in exchange for Trump’s clemency.

For now, there is speculation about what Trump will do and what he will use the $ 200 million for. In any case, Brendan Fischer, director of the Campaign Legal Center, which is pushing for stricter PACs, believes:

the outgoing president can retain his influence in the Republican Party with the new PAC, but can even use it for himself and his family.

Cover image: AFP Photographer: Mandel Ngan
