Index – Foreign – WHO Researcher: Long Before Discovery, There Was A Coronavirus In China


The virus already In December 2019 widespread in Wuhan, and

Already then, 13 variants of the coronavirus were present in the central city of central China

Peter Peter Embarek, CNN’s World Health Organization (WHO) head of research in China, told CNN.

And this could mean that the virus appeared in China long before its discovery in Wuhan in December.

Said the American station.

WHO researchers in Wuhan, where the virus was first recorded, looked for the origin of a new type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.

Embarek now said in an interview with CNN that thirteen different genetic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 have been identified.

As viruses are constantly mutating, with the discovery that there were already 13 variants in Wuhan in December 2019, it can be assumed that the virus has traveled a path in the Asian country before.

Some virus strains have been linked to Chinese markets, including the animal market, which has long been considered the site of the outbreak. However, other variants of the virus could not be linked to market locations, said a WHO expert.

Embarek, however, did not want to draw conclusions about what the discovery of the variants means for the origin of the coronavirus. However, according to CNN, this may confirm the assumption that the new type of coronavirus had already started before the first identified case. world conquest.

The world research team has already left China and Embarek from Switzerland also gave an interview to CNN. He said they wanted to return to Wuhan in the next few months to examine, among other things, the thousands of blood samples kept in the city’s blood bank. The purpose of this is to search for the genomes of the virus, which may provide an answer: if not in Wuhan, where and when did the epidemic actually break out?
