Index – Foreign – WHO fears coronavirus will be discovered in mink


As reported by the Index in Denmark, a mutated strain of coronavirus has been discovered in the mink herd, so not only austerity measures have been ordered, but the massive deed of mines is beginning, for which seventeen million will be made. of copies. The World Health Organization, WHO, is reexamining global biosecurity measures on the events in Denmark, saying they also need to rethink the effectiveness of the epidemic vaccine due to a mutation found in quadrupeds, according to the CNBC portal.

The WHO is concerned that minks contracted the virus from humans and then mutated in them and the new version could spread again from animals to humans, posing serious risks. The expert of the health organization, Maria van Kerkhove, emphasized that special attention should be paid to mutations, because the properties and behavior of new viruses may be completely different from the known coronavirus, studied and studied so far.

The upcoming vaccine may no longer be effective against the virus that has developed in mink. Danish events have had an impact on other countries as well, which is why four-legged animals are being tested on mink farms in many countries around the world.
