Index – Foreign – Wait for the European authorization of Sputnik V at least until the end of June


The Russian Sputnik V vaccine is not expected to be licensed in the European Union before the end of June, the French Secretary of State for European Affairs said on Thursday.

There is a first phase of testing called scientific evaluation, and it will take at least in mid-June, Clément Beaune told a hearing at the Senate Committee on European Affairs, adding that the final phase is the opinion of the European Medicines Agency on marketing authorization. , which will take a few weeks.

That is, this is not a vaccine that will presumably be allowed before the end of June.

– said the French politician, who assured that in June the European Union will have many more vaccines available from other manufacturers, so the demand for the Russian vaccine will be less significant.

Beaune, like other French politicians, believed that Moscow’s production capacity was limited and accused the Russian government of using the Sputnik V vaccine as a means of propaganda on the international stage.

There are geopolitical steps or communication tools that our Russian friends use to show how present they are in the European Union. Let’s not be naive, the Russians’ strategy of dividing the European Union hasn’t worked so far, thank goodness, except for a few stab wounds.

– declared Clément Beaune, adding:

the French government does not rule out any solution, no possibility, but let’s not get our hopes up about Russian or Chinese vaccines.

According to a member of the Paris government, France is asking European member states to do so before summer.

put on the table the billions of euros needed to develop a second-generation coronavirus vaccine,

in order to ensure that the European Union does not suffer again from the acquisition of vaccines. Second-generation vaccines will work against more infectious and resistant variants of the coronavirus. Paris proposes to convene an international conference on the subject before the end of the summer.

Clément Beaune indicated that the new health budget of the European Union has 5 billion euros and almost 100 billion euros available for research. Furthermore, Paris says that national governments should also contribute to the development of vaccines in Europe.
