Index – Foreign – Trump’s replacement has officially started


As promised, it was proposed by the Democrats in the House of Representatives to initiate the immediate replacement of Vice President Mike Pence of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, under Amendment 25. According to Supplement 25, the members of the Government of the President may, by majority vote, declare the President incapable of performing his duties and delegate his powers to his Vice President.

The House of Representatives would have voted a resolution asking the vice president to do so, but it would have had to be adopted unanimously to move on to the next stage. Less than 15 minutes later, a Republican senator raised an objection, closing the meeting until tomorrow. So this resolution will be voted on tomorrow night Washington time, but since President Pence shows no willingness to move Trump constitutionally, Democrats will turn to Plan B: the constitutional impeachment process.

The impeachment decision, which accuses the president of the United States of inciting rebellion in the wake of the siege of the Capitol, was also officially announced on Monday. The indictment concerns Trump’s claim that he had actually won the vote since last November’s presidential election, as well as his speech before the Capitol site, in which he encouraged his supporters to march against the compound. He also cites a phone call in which the US president tried to put pressure on Georgia’s top election official by phone to “find” enough votes to reverse the November result.

The launch of the impeachment will be voted on Wednesday, the adoption of which will require a simple majority in the House of Representatives.

President Trump posed a serious threat to the security of the United States and its governmental institutions. It threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered in the process of peaceful transfer of power, and endangered equal branches of the government. Given this, he betrayed his trust in him as president, to the detriment of the people of the United States.

– the decision justifies the need for constitutional responsibility.

Democrats say they also have enough votes to prosecute the president. In his four-year reign, it would be the second time a constitutional indictment has been brought against Trump, although, for the first time, he was acquitted by the then-Republican-majority Senate.

Steny Hoyer, leader of the Democratic faction in the House of Representatives, expressed hope that after Wednesday’s vote, the case will go to the Senate, which is responsible for carrying out the trial and ruling.

It is not certain that the matter will reach the Senate before Trump leaves.

First, if the Senate is busy with Trump, it would cross the early days of Joe Biden’s presidency. Biden couldn’t pass the bills needed to defend himself against the coronavirus epidemic in the Senate if he’s just busy discussing the Trump case.

The possibility arose that impeachment would resume after the first 100 days of Biden’s tenure. However, after so long, it is not certain that there is a conviction that Democrats want to achieve.

Democrats and Republicans are split in half in the 100-seat upper house of the US legislature, and it takes a two-thirds majority to convict Trump.

Presumably, they are urging that the proceedings be held as soon as possible because even if Trump’s guilt is found after his term, Congress could bar him from holding federal public office, which would mean that

